Sunday, 22 March 2015

Appraisal PD part 2

22 March 2015

As part of Appraisal of Teachers: Phase Two: What is Evidence? We need to watch a webinar and gather some evidence.

also needed:
Registered Teacher Criteria
Success for all
Pasifika Education Plan 2013-2017
Webinar goals:
By the end of webinar you will have:
  • Used a range of resources to strengthen your understanding of 'good' practice with regard to professional relationships, values and knowledge as described in RTC 3, 6, and 11, RTC 9, and 10
  • Started to determine what evidence you might use in your appraisal and how you will organise your evidence
So that you have
  • necessary and sufficient evidence to show how you are meeting a range of RTC
Webinar notes:
Focusing on 9 & 10
Professional knowledge in practice

 Key Indicators
 Reflective Question
 What would 'good' practice look like?
 what would you regard as valid evidence that you could use to demonstrate 'good' practice?

respond effectively to the diverse language and cultural experiences, and the varied strengths, interests and needs of individuals and groups of akonga 
 i. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of social and cultural influences on learning, by working effectively in the bicultural and multicultural contexts of learning in Aotearoa New Zealand

ii. select teaching approaches, resources, technologies and learning and assessment activities that are inclusive and effective for diverse akonga

iii. modify teaching approaches to address the needs of individuals and groups of akonga
 How does the knowledge of the varied strengths, interests, and needs of individuals and groups of akonga influence how I teach them?
 Tangata Whenuatanga

 Acknowledgement of all learners 1st language, culture

Exploring learning & curriculum through lens of cultures represented in the classroom

Learning contexts are appropriate to learner's cultures

use of appropriate pedagogy



high expectations of all learners

inclusion of all learners and welcoming to all families

Student ownership / responsibility for learning

 Student voice -

Parent/whanau voice

Class displays demonstrate cultural value - languages used, motifs used

involvement with appropriate organisations such as marae


achievement outcomes
 #10 work effectively within the bicultural context of Aotearoa New Zealand
 i. practise and develop the relevant use of te reo Maori me nga tikanga a iwi in context

ii. specifically and effectively address the educational aspirations of akonga Maori, displaying high expectations for their learning

 appropriate use of language and tikanga within the class



What evidence do I have? and what more do I need to gather?
- mainly planning and assessment data
- informal parent / student voice, but not gathered specifically or recorded robustly
-some observations and reflections, again not gathered strategically or robustly
Do you consider that you gather necessary and sufficient evidence that will help you understand good practice with regard to values, relationships and knowledge as described in the RTC?
- No - my evidence is limited. Principal appraisal process - which includes my teaching has largely been a Q & A session with some documentation review. I would struggle to put my hands on any evidence of my teaching practice - or principal practice other than planning documents and student achievement data that is MOE requirements.

Back mapping -
Reviewing how evidence demonstrates RTC and Tataiako criteria

How could this be developed on this site?

What to do from here:

- collect evidence for workshop 2
- reflections of PLG meetings
- prepare to share thinking about what you consider to be necessary and sufficient evidence.