Title: Changing classroom
practice with online instructional video
Abstract: - summarise the
topic (How does the use of online instructional video change the
in-class learning activities in a primary school classroom?), key findings and conclusion (350 words)
Introduction: - p1 –
describe the nature and characteristics of using online instructional video
(targeted to learning needs, available outside class hours, use of ready made
or self made)
- p2 – explain it’s
importance and significance of the change for teachers and students.
(accessable outside the classroom, repeat instructions, independent learning)
- p3 – describe the main
idea / pov / question that the essay will cover (how it impacts on planning?
the change in in-class teaching style? How to impliment and sustain the change
in practice)
(300-500 words)
Section 1 – Clear description
of change model that would be effective for implimenting this change(include at
least 4 biblio sources)– identify the appropriate change model(s) that informs
this problem – could include diagrams? – describe the model and how it connects
to introducing instructional video into classrooms (use of video needs at least
3 biblio sources)
Section 2 – review
implications of the change model for my class/Kokatahi-Kowhitirangi School – what
has happened / what needs to happen / effects of the changes - cover strengths
and shortcomings (pros/cons) of the change model – include citations, - describe how it could inform educational
practice in Kokatahi-Kowhitirangi School – include references to other studies
(2-3000 words)
Recommendations for future
/next steps / lessons learned
(300 words)
ReplyDeleteThis sounds very interesting, I am intrigued as to whether using instructional video within primary level works effectively.
I like how you have set it out, it makes it easy to follow/understand