Should we use cognitive enhancers to raise student achievement? (Click title to see article)
This article was published in the September edition of NZ Principal (pages 27-31) and I assume will eventually be available on line as previous magazines are.
I thought that while this article does not consider the impact of e-learning/technology developments it is relevant to this course as it is a scenario to consider. The article questions the use of cognitive enhancers to assist students learn. I found it a provocative article and have enjoyed the reactions and debate it has caused in the staff room. :)
If you could take medication to make your learning easier - would you?
I have certainly met students along the way who try so hard in their learning and struggle for no 'label-able' reason that I would love to be able to give a boost so they can feel successful - but is that ethical? or equitable?
It definitely got me thinking!
I haven't fully thought through all the implications of moves such as those suggested within the article you provided, but I have to admit I did check to see if it was an April edition a couple of times. I suspect what disturbed me was based on my personal experience working over many years with children who have been medicated for one reason or another, and the usage of drugs for a purpose they werent originally developed for. Tricky stuff. Thanks for posting it.