Saturday 3 August 2013

CBAM change model

Evans, L., & Chauvin, S. (1993). Faculty developers as change facilitators: The concerns-based adoption model. To Improve the Academy, paper 278. Retrieved from

Research has recognised that change is a process and leaders in education are facilitators of change.  The Concerns-Based Adoption Model outlines the stages of concern as the change process evolves.  The seven stages progress from concerns about what the innovations is; how the change will affect them personally; how they can use the innovation; building efficiency; effectiveness of the innovation; integrating or collaborating with others; and finally, improving on the innovation. These concerns progress from a self-based concern, to a task oriented concern and finally a concern based on the impact of the change that has occurred.
It is important for leaders of change to be aware of which stage faculty are at in order to address the concerns and provide the needed support to help them move forward in the process.  This is support is needed throughout the process and is likely to be required at all stages of change.  This model provides a useful conceptualisation of support stages required to implement planned long term change effectively.

As a leader in a school, this model is important to be aware of.  Staff are often expected to implement changes to their practice based on Ministry of Education directives, Best Practice innovations, trends in education and community needs.  These changes are often expected to be implemented with little support from outside sources.  By being aware of the stages of change and being prepared to support staff through the whole process, school leaders will be more successful in embedding effective innovations. 

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